Friday, December 7, 2007

Me The Writer

So given that I am one of the infinite monkeys, with my own version of one of the infinite typewriters, I stand as much of a chance as the next one of producing that masterpiece. Thats the beauty of this flattened out socially networked consumer the creator among other things situation that we find ourselves firmly in the center of. I can, and I will, say what I have to say, without fear of being stopped from saying what I want by some pompous editing entity stuffing his face with "acceptable" work from his or her equally pompous journalistic staff who have schooled themselves in this glorious art spending ages in the trenches refining their skills and honing it to perfection. I very simply can, and will, say "stuff it" to pompous editor who happens to stand in my way and go ahead and say what I want. And so can you. And the rest of the world. The Blog is a wonderful space to be in! To blog is to free yourself, to blog is to purify yourself, to blog is to - well, discover the "true" yourself. Years of this you can and this you cant get washed away like so much dirt dissolving under the onslaught of a thousand showers falling from the suddenly opened up heavens. It very simply is a good feeling. And so to all the learned folk across the room, who once had the privilege of wielding the golden pen - "stuff it". For now, I too, have not only the pen, but the paper, the attention, and above all, the sanction to say what I want to say, when and how included!

Here's to my masterpiece!!

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