Friday, November 30, 2007

On a clear day....

Openness, Peering, Sharing and Going Global. Mass Collaboration, global platforms, harnessing the collective, ideas of the masses, wikis, social networks, blogs, the empowered me's and you's, it all adds up to one big happy family.

There is power in opening up to the world. And letting it go to work for you. It is them, helping you help them, which in turn helps you more, which get the point.

The world once was a huge place - and on a clear day you could see forever. It still is a huge place, only now you can see forever at any given time, from any given place, no matter what the condition of the weather is. And helping you do so is them who got helped by you in the first place when they had stopped by to help you...etc..etc..etc.

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